March 4th and Do Something Day


March 4th and March fourth are homophones or, words or expressions that sound the same but hold different meanings. Today’s March Fourth and Do Something Day encourages people to make a positive impact – small or large on themselves or on others in their community. Celebrating this event can take on different ways - like taking your friends out to dinner to a restaurant that’s been on their checklist or even lending your phone charger to someone who is sitting near you at the library! But the opportunity to help doesn’t always come around if you just sit and wait for it …

You, yourself will have to make the effort to find people who need help.

But honestly, would you go out of your way to find them?

Probably not. Well, the Mayo App exactly does that for you. Mayo App connects people who need help and people who want to help within the same location. Simple tasks such lending a phone charger or sharing a free drink can all be done through this simple app.

So when you can lend a quick hand or want to make someone’s day, this will be the go-to app especially to celebrate today!